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Psychic Blog

laura zibalese
4 min read
Learn to meditate: It’s Not as Hard as You Think
Learn to meditate, it's not as hard as you think. There are many simple methods that can help you gain peace of mind, clarity, and focus!
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laura zibalese
4 min read
Exploring the Shadows: How to Confront and Embrace Our Inner Demons
We are all chased by demons. They hide in the shadows and torment us. Whether we choose to acknowledge them or not they are real.
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laura zibalese
2 min read
The Afterlife: Are 9/11 Victims Reincarnating?
That’s where I worked, Mama,” a 4yo said, pointing to the WTC. He also claims to have felt the building fall and provided other details...
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laura zibalese
6 min read
Unlocking the Power of Healing with Crystals: A Beginner's Guide
The use of crystals dates back to ancient times when its uses from harnessing energy and healing to scrying, even for spirit communication.
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laura zibalese
5 min read
Recognizing and Protecting Yourself from Psychic Vampires!
Psychic Vampires siphon your vital energy, depleting you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
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laura zibalese
5 min read
Breaking Free: How Labels Can Impact Your Spiritual Growth and Personal Development
People often use labels in an attempt to understand just how we all fit into the world. All too often, they are negative lable that hurt.
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Laura Zibalese
4 min read
Cat Familiars: Every Witch Needs One!
Cats as familiars have a long and dark history in Western mythology. These cats often found their way into literature.
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laura zibalese
6 min read
The Origins of Halloween: Uncovering the History and Traditions
The history of Halloween is one of mystery and intrigue that has been passed down through the generations. An Ancient tradition.
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laura zibalese
5 min read
"Unlocking Your Intuition: 10 Techniques for Developing Psychic Abilities"
Do I have special psychic gifts? Can I learn to develop them? The truth is, every soul carries within it the divine spark of God, so, yes!
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laura zibalese
5 min read
You Always Have A Choice
Why do people feel so helpless?! So often I hear from frantic clients- I don’t want to make the wrong choice!! But there is no right or...
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laura zibalese
6 min read
"Learning Palmistry: Understanding the Power in Your Hands"
Palmistry is simply the easiest form of divination (Divine communication) you can do. You need no special psychic abilities to learn.
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laura zibalese
7 min read
Healing Meditation: Connecting to Your Angels
While a belief in Angels is not necessary for angels to heal you, through meditation you can connect with angelic healing.
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laura zibalese
7 min read
Is My Rabbit's Foot Really Lucky? Charms, Talismans, & Amulets
Charms, Talismans, and Amulets have long been seen as protection from the divine. But do they Work?
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laura zibalese
8 min read
"Life After Death: Exploring 5 Amazing Facts About The Afterlife"
Part 4 of the Afterlife series Death is an inevitable part of life, since the earliest times people have wondered what happens after...
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laura zibalese
9 min read
The Afterlife: What Happens to Souls After Sudden Death
In nearly all belief systems and religions, the soul embarks on a journey after death. But what about Sudden Death? What happens then?
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laura zibalese
4 min read
Are You a Starseed? 20 Signs Your Soul Comes from Another World
Starseeds are souls that are not originally from planet Earth.
They are highly evolved souls from different worlds to help Earth evolve.
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laura zibalese
3 min read
Healing the Past: Making Way for LOVE
Healing the past to make way for love...letting go of the things which are blocking you from finding that soul mate and releasing past pains
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laura zibalese
4 min read
Uncovering the Traits of Psychic Empaths: Are You One of Them?
Have you ever come into a room and suddenly felt a change in your emotions for no apparent reason?If so, You may be an Empath.
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laura zibalese
7 min read
Is Your Child Psychic?
Every human being has psychic ability and most demonstrate this to some degree as children. Psychic ability is a natural to children.
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laura zibalese
6 min read
Animal Signs: Messages from Your Loved Ones
The Dead can use animals to contact you. Learn how to know when animals are truly sent from spirit.
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