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Psychic Blog

laura zibalese
4 min read
The Unique Qualities and Characteristics of the Rainbow Children: Exploring The 3rd Wave Star Children
Rainbow kids are givers; they provide humanity with vibrational energy and unconditional love and serve mankind.
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laura zibalese
3 min read
Navigating the Spiritual Spectrum: Exploring the Shades of White Auras
While a white aura is often associated with beings of pure light and elevated consciousness, subtle nuances exist within this ethereal hue.
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laura zibalese
3 min read
Understanding Light and Dark Shades of the Yellow Aura - A Deeper Dive
Yellow auras exhibit a fascinating duality, encompassing both light and dark shades. Yellow aura embodies the balance of yin and yang.
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laura zibalese
2 min read
The Mystery of the Varying Shades in the Purple Aura: Exploring the Unknown Depths
Picture individuals with a Purple Aura as emotional and spiritual sponges, intricately attuned to the energies that flow around them.
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laura zibalese
6 min read
Understanding The Star Children: Insights into the Indigo Crystal and Rainbow Phenomenon
Star Children are now incarnating on Earth to help elevate the entire planet and all souls on it to that higher vibrational rate, as well.
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laura zibalese
2 min read
Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding the Daredevil Personality of the Orange Aura
Individuals with an orange aura possess a charisma that sets them apart, reflecting a personality that is both intriguing and captivating.
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laura zibalese
2 min read
What Does the Green Aura Reveal about Personality and Emotions? A Deeper Look
In the realm of auras, the light green hue is intrinsically linked to healing and nurturing qualities.
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Laura Zibalese
2 min read
The Enigma of the Red Aura: Unraveling the Mysteries of Its Meaning and Impact
In the realm of auras, the red hue is a color that carries a multitude of meanings and implications, offering deeper insights.
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laura zibalese
2 min read
The Enigma of the Blue Aura & Turquoise Aura: Unraveling Its Meaning and Impact
When we delve into the realm of aura colors, the enigmatic Blue aura stands out with its myriad shades, including the Turquoise aura.
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laura zibalese
5 min read
Thanksgiving : Give Thanks, It’s Good For You!
Give Thanks- it's Good For You! Thanksgiving is right around the corner, that wonderful feast day that has its origin in the Puritan...
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Laura Zibales
5 min read
Exploring the Luminous World: A Deep Dive into Auras and Their Color Meaning
Visualized in various interpretations, auras symbolize the connection of all living things. They serve as a visual representation of life.
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Laura Zibalese
11 min read
The 7 Archangels: Exploring Their Powerful Meanings and Divine Roles
Let us explore the 7 primary Archangels and their divine roles and meanings. The name given an Archangel often reveals their role or purpse.
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Laura Zibalese
3 min read
Mastering Remote Viewing: 6 Simple Steps to Enhance Your Psychic Ability
The ability to view a location you’ve never visited is known as “remote viewing” seeing from a distance.
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laura zibalese
2 min read
The Afterlife: Are 9/11 Victims Reincarnating?
That’s where I worked, Mama,” a 4yo said, pointing to the WTC. He also claims to have felt the building fall and provided other details...
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laura zibalese
5 min read
Recognizing and Protecting Yourself from Psychic Vampires!
Psychic Vampires siphon your vital energy, depleting you emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
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laura zibalese
5 min read
You Always Have A Choice
Why do people feel so helpless?! So often I hear from frantic clients- I don’t want to make the wrong choice!! But there is no right or...
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laura zibalese
4 min read
Are You a Starseed? 20 Signs Your Soul Comes from Another World
Starseeds are souls that are not originally from planet Earth.
They are highly evolved souls from different worlds to help Earth evolve.
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laura zibalese
4 min read
Uncovering the Traits of Psychic Empaths: Are You One of Them?
Have you ever come into a room and suddenly felt a change in your emotions for no apparent reason?If so, You may be an Empath.
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laura zibalese
9 min read
How To Raise Your Energy Frequency and Spiritual Vibration
The spiritual realms exist at a higher frequency than we do on Earth. In order to access the spiritual realm you must raise your frequency.
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laura zibalese
7 min read
Forgive Them and Break Your Karmic Shackles
Have you shackled yourself to the past and made yourself a prisoner of your future karma? Free yourself and break this cycle via forgiveness
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