Interested in crystals and curious about how you can harness their power in your own life?

Some would say crystals have a mysterious aura and power about them. The use of crystals dates back to ancient times when its uses varied, from harnessing energy and healing to scrying, even facilitating communications with the divine.
It’s believed that these crystals were even used to help construct the enormously megalithic structures of the ancient past. Many cultures today widely practice the use of crystals to achieve an aura of spirituality.

The use of crystals in the process of attaining spirituality has been known to imbue its user with certain traits like creativity, inspiration, knowledge, and intuition which in turn produces a higher level of wisdom, enlightenment, love, healing, concentration, acceptance, and peace just to name a few benefits.
Before you begin, however, you need to first program your healing crystal after which you will move on to activating your stone and finally charging your crystal before you work with it.
Programming Your Healing Crystal
For those of you new to the wonderful and exciting world of crystal healing:

All crystals are healing crystals
The term "programming" is used because this process is similar to computer programming
Information or commands are stored in the molecular structure of your healing crystals as magnetically charged data.
In other words, crystals can receive and hold thought forms (data) and when you project your intent consciously into them, it is called programming a crystal.
Thoughts are Energy
Thoughts are energy and are magnetic in form. They carry a measurable vibration frequency, which you can access. The data you program into your healing crystals as thought forms powered or intensified by intention and emotion is stored as energy.
The following 2 steps are imperative before you go ahead with programming a healing crystal:
First, you have to determine the purpose of the program you wish to imprint.
Secondly, you must think of the result you want to achieve.

When programming a healing crystal you set your intent - your aim or purpose.
Your intention directly affects the result of your actions.
Following is a very simple intent you can use, remember it is always best to keep it simple and even better to use your own words.
"I intend for this crystal for effective healing, manifestation, etc. in light and love for the highest and greatest good of all. So be it!"
Tips for Programming a Healing Crystal
To start, I recommended that you have a limit of one program per crystal.
All your requests should have your and others' best interests in mind.
Do not ever program a crystal with negative energies, as they will reflect on you.
Programming a Crystal
With training you can learn everything you need to know about cleansing, dedicating, and programming your crystals, The following are some simplified ideas to start working with:

The Brow-Third Eye Chakra Method is an effective way of programming a healing crystal.
First, clear the crystal by imagining a bright white light (white light is pure and cleansing) going through the crystal to eliminate any previous programming.
Place the crystal against your brow, if you are working with a terminated crystal, the direction the crystal is pointing does not matter.
Close your eyes and visualize going inside your crystal.
Now picture the result of your intention happening inside your crystal. Create it with as many of your senses as you can. See it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it, make it real.
When it feels real; come out of your crystal and open your eyes.
Remember cleansing your healing gemstones is very important and should you find that after programming a healing crystal, it does not perform as well as you've expected then in all likelihood it needs to be cleansed and cleared again.

When you do the second cleansing of your crystal try using a different method- You may also want to do a clearing on the crystal as it might have been programmed before and have conflicting vibrations.
Book A Psychic Reading with Laura! If it is still not working for you, it might be the wrong crystal for you at this time. Put it to one side until it "speaks" to you or give it away. It may be meant for someone else.
Activating your Crystals
By activating your healing crystals you will stimulate their natural attributes.
This process prepares them for healing.
To activate your healing crystals you can:
Place the healing gemstones upon the energized sand (fine quartz crystal) of the ocean beaches
Place them outside in nature
Sounding a meditative gong close to the stones also works well.
Gently ringing Tibetan prayer bells or playing soothing music close to your healing stones are other methods that can be used for activation.
Charge your Crystals

There are various ways for you to charge your crystals.
Place your healing stones on a large crystal cluster or surround your crystals with clear Quartz points, points facing inwards.
Placing the healing gemstones in sunlight or moonlight works well.
To more heavily charge them; days such as the equinoxes or solstices, a full moon, or a new moon are ideal, as earth energies are magnified on these days.
Using Crystals
Some would say crystals have a mysterious aura and power about them. The use of crystals dates back to ancient times when its uses varied, ranging from harnessing energy to healing.

It’s a popular belief that these crystals were even used to help construct the enormously gigantic structures of the ancient past. Many cultures today widely practice the use of crystals to achieve an aura of spirituality.
The use of crystals in the process of attaining spirituality has been known to provide its user with certain elements like creativity, inspiration, knowledge, and intuition which in turn facilitates higher levels of wisdom and enlightenment, love and inner peace, and even connections with spirit and the divine, just to name a few benefits.
Here is a list of the more popular crystals that are used for various beneficial reasons:
• Amethyst – known for its healing properties, enhances psychic awareness and imagery.
• Bloodstone – helps you stick to diet plans and curbs appetites.
• Citrine – assists in manifesting one’s goals, keeps you cheerful, and attracts abundance and power. • Sapphire – this stone comes in many colors and has healing and spiritual properties.

• Diamond – is known as the stone of innocence which denotes purity.
• Jade – is used as a tool for learning to accept the difficult aspects of life.
• Moonstone – enhances intuitive sensitivity and the ability to accept any new changes.
• Opal – is considered to be one of the seven sacred stones of the Cherokee.
• Ruby – it brings love, confidence, loyalty, and courage, and strengthens physical and emotional healing.
• Topaz – allows an individual to have a practical and focused outlook in life.
• Turquoise – is wonderful for drawing out negative vibrations.
• White opal – a great charging tool because it energizes and helps you to get more things done.
How to Store Your Crystals
Crystals should have a home. They can live on an altar or in various places around my home; you can keep the stones in a special case wrapped in soft cloth. It's good to store crystals together to allow stones from your collection to connect and grow larger than their individual parts. Another great place to store crystals is on your person, in a small purse, in your pocket; or even tucked in your bra- skin contact is always helpful to your crystals.

Crystals, when used properly, are a very powerful way to help you become more empowered.
They remind you that you are worth it. They encourage you to focus on yourself take time for yourself and help you get on track with what you want to create in your life. They can magnify your own psychic energy and spirit's ability to heal body, mind, and soul. Now that you have some idea of what to do, don't be afraid to give Crystals a try and see how they can enhance your life!
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